Endometriosis explained, and The Future to Come

It's estimated that approximately 10% of women globally are affected by endometriosis and have experienced the physical and mental health struggles it can cause. Despite such a large prevalence, not enough is being done to help sufferers manage this debilitating condition - until now. Thanks to technological advancements in the field of Femtechs (female health technology), there are new resources available that offer long-term solutions for managing endometriosis. In this post I'll discuss what exactly endometriosis is and how these advances in Femtech can help during diagnosis, treatment, and be used as part of an ongoing management plan for health surveillance.
Endometriosis occurs when tissue similar to the lining of a uterus grows outside the uterus. This tissue develops into nodules or lesions which can cause pain and inflammation. In other words, endometriosis is an uninvited guest of a disorder, where tissue that belongs inside the uterus takes up residence outside instead - not only painful but often resulting in cysts and troublesome adhesions. It usually affects the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and tissue lining the pelvis. Each menstrual cycle can feel like torture as this out-of-place tissue thickens with nowhere to go before becoming stuck in your body. This can cause pain during monthly periods, sometimes severe pain, and it can also affect your fertility. Although surgery is often recommended for removing any existing lesions or cysts, it does not offer any long-term solutions.
Common symptoms include:
Painful periods (dysmenorrhea)
Painful intercourse
Pain when going to the bathroom
Excessive bleeding during menstrual period
Bleeding between periods
Fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, bloating or nausea during menstrual periods.
Despite the fact that endometriosis can lead to severe pain and discomfort for many, it remains one of those medical conditions with few clear-cut symptoms – leading to a long diagnosis process. Those affected by this disease often suffer in silence for too long before even suspecting they have it due to inadequate testing options; laparoscopy is currently deemed as the best method available but far from an ideal solution.
There's no cure for endometriosis and the treatment only aims to ease symptoms. These include hormone therapy, pain meds and surgically removing any troublesome patches of endo-cells. Unfortunately, getting diagnosed with endometriosis can be even more difficult due to gender bias in reproductive health care. Read my article for further information on the gender gap in health care.
On the bright side, Femtech companies have made a remarkable difference by advancing detection and providing relief for those suffering from endometriosis. These efforts give us hope that this long overlooked condition will soon be much better understood and taken seriously within healthcare settings.

Femtechs are female health companies designed specifically to meet the needs of female health - from fertility tracking apps through to medical devices aimed at diagnosing medical conditions more accurately than ever before. These advancements in technology can help provide women with greater access to information about their bodies and ultimately give them more control over their own healthcare decisions - something that has been lacking in the past due to a lack of knowledge or resources available.
Here are a few examples:
DotLab is leading the charge in revolutionizing endometriosis diagnosis with an innovative approach to biomarker detection and artificial intelligence! Their non-invasive tool is a groundbreaking game-changer, poised to transform how this difficult condition is identified and addressed.
Endodiag is on a mission to revolutionize endometriosis research. They are pioneering new diagnosis solutions that accurately screen patients and take into account individual characteristics of the condition, ultimately leading to early detection and better health outcomes for those affected by this challenging disease.
Syrona Health provides personalized digital health solutions to make every stage of a woman's life journey easier. With dedicated care and support, they cover everything from menstrual wellness to fertility, parenthood and menopause - giving the best advice for managing chronic conditions like Endometriosis along the way. Syrona Health guides you on your path towards better gynecological healthcare.
NextGen Jane has revolutionized women's healthcare by creating a cutting-edge tampon system that tracks biological changes in the female body. With this revolutionary device, women can gain valuable insights about their reproductive health and take control of their own well being!
Hertility Health is empowering women to take their reproductive health into their own hands. They understand that hormones can have a deep and far-reaching impact on our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing - so they're providing an at home hormone & fertility test with the goal of reducing unnecessary appointments times while giving us control over our bodies through menstruation all the way until menopause! By making this technology available to everyone, they are revolutionizing Reproductive Healthcare for generations now and in years to come.
These kinds of technologies could revolutionize diagnosis rates as it means that doctors can detect signs earlier than ever before without needing to perform any kind of surgery on patients who may not even have endometriosis yet. Furthermore, these same devices could be used as part of an ongoing management plan for monitoring symptoms after diagnosis so that any changes can be quickly detected and treated if necessary - reducing the need for regular surgeries and allowing patients to better manage their own health surveillance from home if they choose to do so.
Endometriosis affects millions of women worldwide but until recently it seems like not enough was being done to help those suffering from it manage their condition effectively both short-term and long-term. Femtech advances have made huge strides towards changing this situation by providing innovative tools that diagnose conditions quicker than ever before and offer alternatives for managing - giving women control over their own healthcare decisions in ways never before possible due to lack of knowledge or resources available on this particular condition until now.